Thursday, March 13, 2014

Note from mummy on bunny massage!

Massage is pleasurable to most of us, right? Well, bunnies enjoy it too! Enhancing your regular petting with a little bunny massage is a great way to bond with your bunny more and help their health, leading to a happier, healthier bunny!

Do not fear if your bun does not take to massage immediately  They have to get used to it, and many buns will end up liking it so much that they will demand it from you!

This is how I massage my bunnies.

I first start with the head, a good nose rub like most bunnies love. If you feel any tension, concentrate your rubbing on that, not to hard, just rub it with moderate firmness till you can feel it desolve away. It takes longer then one rubbing to get the tension completely out of their body for most buns, especially buns who are not massaged on a regular basis. Do not be discouraged.

Move down to the cheeks. This will take some getting used to for most buns. Slowly massage in a circular motion. This will feel wonderful to your bunny.

Move upwards to the crown of the head. Massage, again in a circular motion around your bunny's ears.

Move between your bunny's ears to it's shoulder blades. Rub in between your bun's shoulder blades to it's spine. You should be able to feel it's spine here. Massage it and into the neck, as this part of the bun's body holds a lot of tension. 

Rub gently around your bunny's neck, relieving the tension.

Move across it's back. Dig your fingers into the muscle on either side of the spine and rub across the spine. Also rub around the gut of your rabbit gently.

Make your hand into a claw shape and rub his rump, going from back to front. You will probably feel the muscles jump a bit, this is good, the tension is leaving your bun. However, they will probably not enjoy the sensation to much. Brush the fur back in to place after this.

Rub each hip in a circular motion. You might feel more jumping of the muscle. Again, this is okay! This is good!

You can gently rub the feet, but leave the tail alone.

Recap at the head with a good nose rub. This will leave your rabbit feeling happy.

Consider playing relaxing, meditative music while doing this, as they are very responsive to sound. Also, you might consider a natural, good feeling scent, like the chakra scents from Aveda, as they are very responsive to smell.

I hope this helps you to spend peaceful, quiet time with your bunny. 

Thank you Sir. Fernly for posing for these pictures!

Hope your days are binky worthy!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

I am alive!

Yes my friends, it has been a long time.

My dear mama got very sick for a spell (pretty much all of February) and was not able to help me with my blog.

I am so sorry if I missed anything important, please fill me in on all that I've missed!

Thank you all.

Sir Fernly

Monday, January 27, 2014

My inner valley girl.

Yes friends.
I know, you all think of me of the most noble beast.
And I am indeed.
I have a little secret.
Ahem. You see, I have, I have a dramatic side.
Thus my "Valley Girl" voice in my last post.
Because normally I can hold myself together but sometimes I like, totally have to rant!
I hope you can still accept me as your noble knight.
Sir. Fernly

Saturday, January 25, 2014

OMG. I just, totally broke a nail! The horror!

So, mama and meme and I where "playing" (they where brushing me) and I didn't like it! So I decided to hop away!
Unfortunately the ground was a lot farther away then it looked...
Then like, the whole world ended because OMG I was bleeding EVERYWHERE from my paw and, did I really? OMG I just, totally broke a nail!
A rabbit with as much dignity as me should not brake a nail!
And it HURT! Like, A lot! So, totally not kidding.

But, mama took good care of me and meme called the vet, and the vet said it was okay and we needed to do this that and the other thing and no, we did not need to come to the emergency room, so I guess I'm all better now.

Plus, mama was soooo worried and gave me lots of cuddles and even some carrot and I TOTALLY took advantage of that so, it's all good.

Still though guys, not fun! Make sure you have nice, heathy nails especially in cold winter when your paws can get dry.

Sir. Fernly

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My First Award!

My dear friends,
I have just realized that I have been honored as to receive an award from one of my best chums, Sir. Speedy! I assure you that I read the post in which he awarded this to me, but I never even imagined that somebun would award ME! So I seemed to have simply not recognized my own blog listed there in till it was pointed out to me! How embarrassing!
Anyhow, I am most pleased and honored to have received the award 

The Cracking Christmas Bloggywog Award!

The rules of this award are as follows:
1: To qualify you have to spread one or more of Joy, Peace, Hope and Love.
2: Anyone receiving the award may pass it on to any other anipal that qualifies to rule 1.
3: There are no limits to how many you can pass it on to!

I award this wonderful award to:

My mama ( not an animal written blog, but she is my mama and she loves me so she is an anipal!)

My meme (also not a animal blogger but she spreads not only one but ALL of the requirements of this and she loves me so she is an anipal!)

Now, I award the following to blogs that make me smile! Thus, they are spreading Joy, among other things :3

Loretta's...She Spoke To Me

Feel free to comment any other blogs you think I might like!
Sir. Fernly

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

My new toy!

My mama got me a new toy! He is my new friend!
Here is our story!
Any name ideas for such a steed?

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tragic happenings

My dearest friends,
I know I have not been blogging or commenting much, and I am sad to say that there is a reason why.
As you know, my mama helps me write this blog, and it is with sadness, that I must inform you our posts will not be frequent for a little while yet.
You see, one of my mama's cousins was in a horrible accident. He is, I am so sad to inform, no longer with us.
It is save to say, mama is not taking this well.
She is grieving, and can not keep up with blogging at this time.
I hope you will forgive us, we will be back, strong as ever, sometime.
Till then, I wish you all the best!
Sir. Fernly

Friday, January 10, 2014

My humble abode, Sky Crest, January decorations

Hello my readers.

Today, I am going to tell you about my home, Sky Crest.

I currently reside in a gated community, but I am looking forward to stretching my horizons.

My personal dwelling is called Sky Crest, for it is, in my opinion, a castle in the sky. It has 3 floors, but I only use the top floor and the courtyard. The bottom two floors are for all my possessions.

As you will notice, my caretaker mama, has a particular liking for the colour pink. This sometimes vexes me as I am a male rabbit, but in general I do not often mind.

Right now my home is decorated for January. It is really quite nice I think.

Here you can see my Rosemary tree that sits atop my abode as well as my top floor.

Two guardian bunnies sit on either side of the tree on the lace runner. The tree is decorated with pinecones and a blue headband. The bunnies where hand made.

My top floor is decorated with soft, snow like bedding. You can see three doily snowflakes on my walls. I have one of my silver balls to play with and a chewy.

Next is my first and second floor. Here lies my food, my carriers, my bedding, my toys and all my other comforts. It is decorated with a few doily snowflakes.

Then is my courtyard. It has a beautiful chair that I often lie upon and relax or play.

I do love Sky Crest. It has served me wonderfully.

I do hope you have enjoyed this tour of my home! I hopefully shale be posting my monthly decorations with you! In till then,

May you bink with every step.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

A most cheeky comrade

Hello friends.
I have most recently made a unexpected comrade on this journey of blogdom.
His name is Speedy, and he is the most cheeky of rabbits.
But really, he is a quite charming fellow. He is also a knight, like I am, but he has many more accomplishments than I do. He has roamed the seas with pirates and as a caption, he is a buccaneer and not afraid of anything.
Now, I am a Gentlebunny, so it behoves me to question his times with pirates. However, I begin to wonder if the grand seas might suit me as well. It does seem like a mighty adventure.
Be carful though Gentlebunnies and LadyBuns, he is full of wit and charm and may very well steel your precious daughters from you!
Anyhow, I have decided to befriend this daring adventurer and hope to have many good times and escapades with this new comrade.
I do hope you will visit his blog, for he has a very nice one. It is,

Good day to you all
Sir Fernly.